Sense - Smart Mirror
Sense is an intelligent synesthetic product designed to create a new music listening experience capable of generating significant psychophysical well-being in people. This is achieved through a synesthetic process that engages the user in a multi-sensory experience, where hearing, sight, smell, and touch merge together. The experience is created through a real-time translation process that transforms the reproduced melody into animated graphic visualizations, scented fragrances, and haptic vibrations that simulate the textures of the generated visualizations.
Project Personal
Year 2022
Role Industrial Design, Rendering

Synesthesia is a neurological condition in which the senses, typically independent, merge or overlap, resulting in cross-wired sensory experiences. Several scientific studies demonstrate how our senses can influence us emotionally. For example, listening to sounds and melodies can release dopamine, reducing anxiety and stress. Visual arts can generate a positive and relaxed emotional state by stimulating serotonin. Smell can evoke emotional associations, particularly related to nostalgia, while touch can release oxytocin, providing a sensation of stress relief. With this in mind, the goal was to create a product that could simulate a synesthetic process by stimulating multisensory engagement.

Acoustic panel with customizable fabric covering and magnetic snaps for mounting

Sense detects the user’s mood by analyzing heartbeats from external devices, such as smartwatches, and provides tailored feedback.